Guide to Party Walls and SAP

Your Ultimate Guide to Party Walls and SAP Have you ever wondered how the concept of party walls and the intricate calculations of SAP intertwine to create energy-efficient homes? Well, wonder no more, because in this comprehensive guide, we’ll unravel the...

Focus Insights: Understanding SAP Ratings

Imagine stepping into a home that not only radiates warmth and comfort but also champions energy efficiency, lowering your carbon footprint. In this blog post, we’ll explore the realm of SAP Ratings, unraveling the secrets to crafting an energy-efficient haven...

The Guide to Finding Your SAP Assessor

This article is your comprehensive guide to finding the perfect SAP Assessor. We’ll demystify the role of a SAP Assessor, why they are crucial for assessing and improving energy efficiency, and spill the secrets on finding the ideal one for your needs. But...

Decoding SAP Calculation Costs

Navigating the realm of energy efficiency can be overwhelming, especially when faced with the labyrinth of acronyms. Fear not! Today, we embark on unraveling the mysteries surrounding SAP Calculation Costs. As an energy efficiency consultant at Focus 360 Energy,...

SAP Calculations

SAP Calculations: Your Key to Energy-Efficient Homes and Regulatory Compliance Building a new home or planning a major renovation? Energy efficiency isn’t just a buzzword anymore; it’s a necessity. It’s also a major regulatory requirement, no matter...

New Part L & O Building Regulations Come Into Force

As of 15th of June 2022, the new Part L & O Building Regulations (conservation of fuel and power) came into effect in England. This means that all new buildings will need to meet higher energy efficiency standards, in order to help tackle climate change. If...