SAP Calculations

SAP Calculations from a leading Energy Consultancy Our experienced team of engineers are well-versed in all aspects of energy efficiency, so you can rest assured that whatever the project – whether it’s a Part L1A New Build or a Part L1B Conversion or Extension – your...

SBEM Calculations for Extensions

SBEM Calculations for extensions SBEM Calculations are a great way to give you more creativity and freedom when designing larger commercial extensions. We understand that these can be complex projects, so we’ll provide you with the knowledge and support to help ensure...

SBEM Calculations for Conversions

SBEM Calculations for conversions We specialise in providing SBEM calculations to confirm that any changes to a non-domestic building have been made in accordance with Approved Document L2B. We understand the importance of staying compliant and are here to help you...

SBEM Calculations for Commercial New Builds

SBEM Calculations for New Builds SBEM calculations are required for new build commercial properties and new build projects, in order to demonstrate compliance with Part L2A and L2B (and regional equivalents) of the UK Building Regulations/ Standards. Get a Quote Save...

SAP Calculations For Scotland

SAP Calculations for Scotland If your project is located in Scotland, you’ll need to comply with the Scotland Section 6 Building Standards for successful completion. We’re here to help ensure that all standards are met and your project can reach its full...

SAP Calculations for Conversion

SAP Calculations for Conversions from a leading Energy Consultancy Our experienced team of engineers are well-versed in all aspects of energy efficiency, so you can rest assured that whatever the project –  Part L1B Conversion or Extension – your home will meet the...