Planning Stage

Design and Construction

Completion & Post Completion

This service can apply at both Planning (RIBA 0-3) and Design & Construction (RIBA 4-5)

BREEAM Certification

Approved Accredited Assessors

Breeam assessments are the gold standard for sustainable design and for measuring a building’s environmental performance. Attract prospective environmentally concious tenants with a breeam certification. Our assessors offer flexible apppointments to suit you. Get a booking in just 24 hours.

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What is a BREEAM assessment and who needs it?

BREEAM assessments  are a framework for evaluating the design, construction, and operation of buildings against a set of environmental and sustainability criteria. The BREEAM assessments cover a range of issues, including energy and water use, waste management, materials selection, transport, ecology, pollution, and understanding the Environmental Impact of Your Project.

BREEAM assessments  are typically used by building owners, developers, architects, and engineers who want to demonstrate that their buildings are sustainable and environmentally friendly. These assessments include Sustainability Statements, which can be used to certify a building’s sustainability performance. The resulting certification is often used as a marketing tool to attract tenants or buyers who are looking for environmentally responsible buildings.

BREEAM assessments  are also used by local authorities and planning agencies to assess the sustainability of new developments and to set sustainability targets for future building projects. Integrating Flood Risk Assessments in BREEAM is crucial for evaluating the resilience of buildings to potential flood hazards, ensuring they meet not only environmental, social, and economic sustainability standards but also maintain safety and functionality in the face of flood risks. In many cases, planning permission may be conditional on achieving a certain level of BREEAM certification. BREEAM is an incredibly comprehensive framework for evaluating a building’s environmental, social, and economic sustainability performance.

From planners to contractors to building owners, this system provides stakeholders with a means of certifying the success of their projects. It goes above and beyond traditional considerations of operational carbon emissions and offers a full-lifecycle assessment. BREEAM assessments can be applied to new construction, non-domestic refurbishment/fit out, and domestic refurbishments (previously assessed under Eco-homes).

Frequently combined with the following additional services:
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BREEAM Acoustic Design Service

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Energy Statement
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BREEAM Thermal Imaging Survey

Whole Lifecycle Carbon Assessment
Environmental Impact Assessment
Arboriculture Constraints Report
Flood Risk Assessment

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Ready to Enhance Your Building’s Sustainability?  

Take the first step towards a greener future with our expert BREEAM assessments. Whether you’re at the planning stage or nearing completion, our accredited assessors are here to guide you to sustainability success. Get your personalized quote today and join the ranks of environmentally conscious developers leading the way in sustainable building practices. 

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BREEAM assessment ratings and certification

BREEAM ratings range from Pass to Outstanding, with increasing levels of sustainability performance. The Pass rating indicates that the project meets the minimum requirements for sustainability, while the Outstanding rating indicates exceptional performance. Here are the BREEAM ratings and their corresponding scores: –

  • Outstanding: 85% and above
  • Excellent: 70% – 84.9%
  • Very Good: 55% – 69.9%
  • Good: 40% – 54.9%
  • Pass: 30% – 39.9%

BREEAM ratings are widely used by developers, architects, and governments as a measure of sustainability performance, and they help to promote sustainable development practices in the built environment.

The BREEAM assessment consists of two stages- Design and Post Construction, with an optional Post Occupancy stage.

Our experienced assessors will conduct an assessment of your team’s progress by gathering evidence at each stage. This evidence will be compiled into a comprehensive report that we’ll submit to BRE for the final certification process.

Minimum Standards for BREEAM assessments

A number of government departments such as Healthcare, Education and other public bodies encourage or require the use of BREEAM for various reasons.

Firstly, BREEAM aligns with the UK government’s sustainability goals and commitments to reduce carbon emissions and improve the environment. By encouraging or requiring the use of BREEAM, government departments and public bodies can ensure that the buildings they use or fund are designed and built to high environmental standards.

Secondly, using BREEAM can help these organisations meet their own sustainability targets. By requiring BREEAM certification for new buildings or major refurbishments, they can ensure that their buildings contribute to their overall sustainability goals and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.

Thirdly, BREEAM provides a benchmark for measuring the environmental performance of buildings. By using BREEAM, government departments and public bodies can compare the environmental performance of different buildings and make informed decisions about which buildings to use or fund.

BREEAM assessment

BREEAM pre-assessment

During the first stage of the BREEAM assessment process our accredited assessor will meet with the project team to:

  • Provide advice and an initial view on the sustainability of the proposed development
  • Advise on elements that require inclusion in the detailed design planning phase
  • Respond to queries from the project team
  • Document an action plan detailing what is required to achieve the desired BREEAM rating
BREEAM design stage assessment

BREEAM design stage assessment

Once the detailed drawings and specifications have been completed, our assessor arrange another meeting to do the following:

  • Assess the building against the BREEAM scheme’s credit criteria
  • Assign credits based upon information and evidence supplied by the project team
  • Produce an interim report which is issued to the BRE (Building Research Establishment).
BREEAM post-construction review

BREEAM post-construction review

When the development has been completed our assessor will arrange a full on-site visit to:

  • Ensure the construction meets commitments made at the design stage with evidence from the project team
  • Produce the final BREEAM assessment report and arrange for submission to the BRE.

Our Process

Under the BREEAM process, our certified BREEAM assessor will review your proposed development and award credits that the project team agrees to demonstrate compliance with:

  • Management – effectiveness of the building operation
  • Health & wellbeing – level of occupant control over heating, lighting, air quality and noise
  • Energy – level of energy efficiency and CO₂ emissions
  • Transport – effectiveness of site provisions to reduce transport related CO₂ emission levels
  • Water – level of buildings water efficiency
  • Material & waste – types of materials utilised and responsibility of sourcing practices
  • Land use & ecology – consideration of location and associated impacts
  • Pollution – level and type of emissions by the building

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is BREEAM?

BREEAM stands for Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method. It’s a leading global sustainability assessment method for master planning projects, infrastructure, and buildings. It recognizes and reflects the value of higher-performing assets across the built environment lifecycle, from new construction to in-use and refurbishment.

2. Who needs a BREEAM Assessment?

BREEAM Assessments are essential for building owners, developers, architects, and engineers committed to demonstrating sustainability and environmental performance in their projects. Local authorities and planning agencies also use BREEAM to set and assess sustainability targets for new developments.

3. What are the benefits of obtaining a BREEAM Certification?

Benefits include demonstrating a commitment to sustainability, potentially increasing the building’s market value, reducing operational costs, and meeting legal and planning requirements. It also helps attract tenants and buyers looking for environmentally friendly properties.

4. How does the BREEAM assessment process work?

The process involves several stages, including a pre-assessment meeting, design stage assessment, and a post-construction review. Evidence of compliance is collected at each stage and submitted for certification, with our accredited assessors guiding you through every step.

5. What do the BREEAM ratings mean?

Ratings range from Pass to Outstanding, reflecting the sustainability performance of a project. The higher the rating, the more sustainable the project is considered to be, with Outstanding indicating exceptional sustainability performance.

6. Can BREEAM be applied to any type of building?

Yes, BREEAM assessments can be applied to new constructions, non-domestic refurbishments, fit-outs, and domestic refurbishments, ensuring a wide range of projects can benefit from BREEAM certification.

7. What is a BREEAM Pre-Assessment?

A BREEAM Pre-Assessment is an initial review conducted to provide advice on the sustainability potential of a development. It helps identify key areas for improvement and sets a pathway to achieving the desired BREEAM rating.

8. How quickly can I get a BREEAM assessment done?

Focus 360 Energy offers flexible appointment scheduling to suit your needs, with the possibility of getting a booking in just 24 hours. Our fully automated system ensures a swift and efficient process.

9. Are your BREEAM assessors accredited?

Yes, all our BREEAM assessors are approved and accredited, ensuring they have the expertise and qualifications to conduct thorough and reliable assessments.

10. How can I get started with a BREEAM assessment?

Contact us at or call 0333 772 7398 to get a comprehensive quote and start the process. Our easy-to-use online system facilitates scheduling and managing your assessment from start to finish.

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