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Ecology Surveys – Ecological Consultants

In property development, ecology compliance is a crucial yet often overlooked aspect. At Focus 360 Energy, we understand the significance of ecology surveys, especially in meeting the requirements needed for planning permission. Our team of friendly and experienced ecological consultants offer a range of ecology surveys tailored to clients all over the UK.

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Ecology Surveys for Planning Success

Our range of ecology surveys is designed to meet the diverse requirements of local councils and help you secure planning permission for your development proposal. Our ecology consultants are industry experts with years of experience, committed to providing high-quality services at cost-effective prices for all clients. Ecology surveys come in various categories, each serving distinct purposes. However, the common outcome of any ecological assessment is providing the necessary evidence to local planning authorities to support planning applications.

With over a decade of experience serving clients throughout the country, our development project team has encountered and successfully resolved a wide range of challenges related to ecological features, protected species, planning applications, and the development process.

Ecological Survey and Assessment

In an ecological survey, a trained ecologist meticulously examines the site, taking note of critical habitats and species present at the time of assessment. This survey identifies potential constraints caused by protected species on-site, ensuring that development proposals aren’t delayed due to ecological concerns.

Our ecology consultants use a mitigation hierarchy to determine the best course of action for existing habitats and ecological conditions. This hierarchy prioritises avoidance, ensuring that valuable habitats are retained without harm. If avoidance is not possible, we opt for minimising harm by adjusting development plans. Restoration or rehabilitation is the third option, where part of the site is altered to restore its original condition. The last resort in the hierarchy is offsetting, where we compensate for biodiversity losses by creating new habitats and natural assets outside the development site.

As a final step, our ecological consultants draft a comprehensive report. This report includes observations about the site, identified ecological features, and recommendations for further survey work, providing local authorities with the necessary information to support planning applications.

Ecology Surveys – Ecological Consultants:
Frequently combined with the following additional services:
Flood Risk Assessment
Tree Surveys and Reports
Environmental Impact Assessment
Land Contamination Report
BREEAM Assessment
Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
Whole Lifecycle Carbon Assessment

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Get an Ecology Survey Quote

Ready to get started? Contact Focus 360 Energy today for a comprehensive Ecology Survey quote. Our online system makes it easy to schedule an assessment, and our team of ecology consultants will guide you through the process.

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Objectives of an Ecological Survey

To complete a successful ecological assessment, our ecologists follow several key considerations:

  • Conduct a prior desk study to gather information on existing animal and plant habitats.
  • Undertake field surveys to identify present animal and plant habitats.
  • Consider potential constraints to development caused by animal and plant habitats.
  • Determine whether further surveys are required.
  • Formulate appropriate mitigation and compensation measures to allow development to proceed despite the presence of animal or plant habitats.
  • Develop reports as evidence of ecological surveys taking place.
  • Assist in any European protected species licence (EPSL) applications to Natural England / Natural Resources Wales, if required.
  • Ensure compliance with UK legislation, planning requirements, regulator guidelines, environmental policies, and the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP).
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The Importance of an Ecological Survey

Ecological surveys play a pivotal role in property and land development for several reasons. They are essential in satisfying local planning authorities’ nature conservation policies, ensuring that the minimum requirements for a successful planning application are met.

Protected species, such as badgers, barn owls, bats, birds, and various plants, are of particular concern. Legislation, like the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2019, the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006, and the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, safeguards these species. Failure to address their presence can lead to legal repercussions.

Additionally, ecological assessments contribute to achieving biodiversity net gain (BNG) on the site. BNG is a planning policy that requires a 10% minimum increase in biodiversity quality post-development compared to pre-development. By addressing ecological impact early in the development process, developers can meet these requirements and ensure planning success.

Ecology Surveys for Planning

Ecology assessments provide a comprehensive analysis of a proposed development site. They help bridge the gap between developers and their obligations to ecological and environmental management, ensuring that environmental targets set by local authorities are met.

Ecological surveys also identify ecological constraints and impact on rare, valuable, or delicate protected habitats, allowing developers to plan and mitigate environmental impact effectively.

Ecology Surveys for Developers

While it’s the developer’s responsibility to arrange an ecology survey, our ecological consultants, with their expertise, manage the process to ensure the inspection and additional surveys are conducted correctly.

Protected species found on-site are carefully assessed, and any issues caused by development are addressed. This guidance helps developers avoid legal breaches and progress their projects successfully.

Ecology Reports at Focus 360 Energy

At Focus 360 Energy, we specialise in ecology reports and ecological consultancy services. With our extensive experience and expertise in the field, we’re dedicated to providing clients with the necessary information to support their planning applications.

Our approach prioritises environmental responsibility, addressing the needs of both the developer and the ecosystem. We ensure that ecological surveys are conducted with care and accuracy, resulting in thorough reports that meet all regulatory requirements.

Our team of ecology consultants is ready to assist you in every step of your planning application process. From initial surveys to final reports, we’re here to make the path to planning success as straightforward and efficient as possible

Book Your Ecology Survey for a Greener Tomorrow

Are you ready to turn your eco-friendly vision into a reality? It all starts with an Ecology Survey.  At Focus 360 Energy, we’re here to guide you on your journey towards sustainable development.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an ecology survey, and why is it necessary for property development?

An ecology survey is an assessment trained ecologists conduct to identify and evaluate habitats and species on a development site. Property development must ensure compliance with local planning authorities’ nature conservation policies and legislation. Failure to address ecological concerns can lead to delays in planning permission and legal repercussions.

What types of ecology surveys do you offer, and how do they benefit developers?

We offer a range of ecology surveys tailored to developers’ diverse requirements. These surveys include habitat surveys, species surveys, and ecological impact assessments. They benefit developers by providing essential information to support planning applications, identify ecological constraints, and formulate mitigation measures to minimise environmental impact.

How do ecology surveys contribute to achieving biodiversity net gain (BNG)?

Ecology surveys contribute to achieving biodiversity net gain by identifying opportunities to enhance biodiversity on a development site. Developers can use the information from these surveys to design their projects in a way that increases biodiversity post-development, meeting the requirements set by local planning authorities.

What is the process for arranging an ecology survey with Focus 360 Energy?

To arrange an ecology survey with Focus 360 Energy, contact us through our website. Our team will guide you through the process, including scheduling an assessment and managing the survey process to ensure it is conducted correctly and efficiently.

How can developers benefit from working with Focus 360 Energy for their ecology surveys?

Developers can benefit from working with Focus 360 Energy for their ecology surveys by gaining access to our team of experienced and knowledgeable ecological consultants. Our consultants manage the survey process effectively, ensuring that all ecological assessments are conducted with care and accuracy. This guidance helps developers avoid legal breaches and progress their projects successfully.

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